European Health Interview Survey 2008

EHIS 2008 was the first survey to be carried out according to a unified European methodology.

Although the original plan was to carry out a health interview survey in the Czech Republic in 2005 (i.e. as a continuation of the already initiated three-year cycle), the efforts to harmonise health interview surveys across Europe led to other activities to be prioritised. This was the reason why only pilot testing of newly developed European modules was carried out in the period 2004–2006, whereas the survey itself was postponed to 2008, when most of the necessary materials were already available.

The survey was carried out according to a unified European methodology, ensuring that the following items were available:

  • EHIS questionnaire (English version)
  • Background and rationale of the EHIS questions
  • Conceptual translation cards and guidelines
  • EHIS indicators guidelines (list of indicators to be computed with the EHIS)
  • EHIS data delivery guidelines

This harmonisation of input documents and materials made it possible to compare data obtained in the EHIS among participating countries, which had been impossible before. Since 2008, the situation in the Czech Republic in terms of health, healthcare and lifestyle of its citizens can be evaluated in comparison with other EU countries.

The survey itself was preceded by a relatively extensive preparation, which was mostly financed from EU funds.

  • The process of EHIS implementation in the Czech Republic was already launched in 2005, when translation and a pilot survey of the EHSM module (on a sample of 251 respondents) were performed. These activities were funded by the EU, as part of the grant No. 2004 35100 007.
  • In 2006, other modules were translated and the entire questionnaire was tested on a sample of 150 respondents. These activities were funded from the project Transition Facility 2004 (grant No. 19100.2005.001-2005.530).
  • Another EU grant (No. 35100.2005.007-2006.445) aimed at the preparation of EHIS made it possible in 2007 to finish the questionnaire and to develop other necessary materials for the surveys (instructions for interviewers etc.).
  • The process of data collection itself was financially supported by Eurostat (grant No. 35100.2007.001-2007.508). The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic also contributed to financing of data collection.